Life Lately and the Funniest Video of Your Life

June 10, 2013

I would like this post to have no discernible theme or topic.

1. This weekend I...laid by the pool. Finished Dan Brown's newest book, Inferno, and was pleasantly surprised by the end. I was expecting him to resolve the situation...but instead he just left it. Props to you Dan Brown, for trying to turn your thriller into something that will actually leave people thinking.

2. Toyed with the idea of starting a new series on this blog: Move Over, Carrie. The idea is to combine two of my favorite things: relationships and sociology into some (hopefully) witty, well-written articles about dating today and issues within dating. What do you guys think? Did you enjoy it? Are there topics you want to hear about? What bugs you most about dating in today's culture?

3. Speaking of Move Over, Carrie...thanks for all your comments. I truly enjoyed each one. Mostly, the post made me think about how often we make excuses for other people, not just boys but even coworkers, friends, family, etc. It makes me wonder why? Is it a societal thing? Or a defense mechanism? Do we hope that others are passing us the same grace (is it a grace)?

4. I'm going to try to stop setting myself up for disaster. That includes signing those papers I referred to last time.

5. I took my own advice and got off Facebook after seeing a wedding invitation I wish I hadn't. I went for a run, and I still can't move today. I don't know if that means I ran you into the ground...or if I just ran like a total moron and pulled every muscle in my body fleeing from unpleasant Facebook memories.

6. If I could have a mango flavored alcoholic beverage every day, I would be happy.

7. This weekend I...set up the Rafflecopter giveaway for my awesome link up with Blair's Head Band This Thursday. Be sure to stockpile your #bloggerproblemz and share them!

8. This weekend I...watched What's Your Number? If you haven't watched it, you are literally missing out on one of the funniest, laugh out loud movies out there. Rent it. Buy it. Watch it.

9. If this video doesn't make you literally pee your pants laughing, we can't be friends.
Originally found here.

10. I am looking for 2-3 guest bloggers for late June/early July. If you are interested, please email me with your post idea at Or, just to piss Sarah off, theunreallife816 @ gmail [DOT] com.

And that concludes "life lately." Thanks for sticking around. What's going on in your life lately?

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  1. UH, love the idea of a move over carrie series!!

  2. Yes, yes, yes to the move over carrie series. Not sure what I'd like to see written, but I loved it!

  3. Yes to the series, I think you'll be great at it!

  4. Series, YES. And the run after FB? Been there. It's good fuel though, and it makes you feel better in the long run. HA! Get it?


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